Human factors study for pen injector

Conducting a human factors study for our client

Client: Pen injection manufacturer

Description:   The manufacturer approached Springboard to help them engage end users of their product to better understand the usability of the device and receive impartial customer reviews.

Activities: Human factors study

Developing the study

Springboard worked alongside a healthcare research company to recruit applicable candidates for this study. The pen injector was being used to administer drugs to people with diabetes or people undergoing fertility treatments, and therefore needed a specific user group. The group contained novel users as well as users with a lot of experience in administering injections at home.


Springboard were the natural fit to conduct the human factor study because we had already worked on the design of the injector and therefore had in-depth knowledge that we could build on, such as the intended use and potential risks.

We were able to report back to our clients on how the users were successful in using the device, how they felt about the device, and identified some unexpected outcomes of the study.

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