
Developing complex machines like MRI scanners, ultrasound devices or even nuclear PET scanners takes time and considerable outlay. Therefore, it’s vital to get the design right, first time around.

Even before expensive prototypes are developed, clients often engage Springboard to create simulations and theoretical modelling to ensure the designs will work, minimising design costs and providing a focus on what’s important for the end user.

We have worked with clients to develop various imaging machines in order to meet market demand. Our experience includes designing smaller X-ray machines that can produce excellent image resolution and making sure that the imaging equipment designed suits patient and surgical equipment need.

Our understanding of cryo-coolers and vibration isolation in MRI development offer clients in-depth knowledge of designing for this market. Advances in this field are at a rapid pace and clients who are taking advantage of AI and machine learning to provide a deeper understanding will dictate the devices of the future.  Our team of scientists, software engineers and developers can help pave the way to keep you at the forefront of the industry.

Find out today how we can help.